Silver and garnet necklaces - handcrafted jewelry from india
Indian necklaces in real silver and natural garnet
Garnet stone necklaces in real silver 925/1000
Most women who like visible jewelry opt for necklaces, it is a pretty fashion accessory, a piece of jewelry elegantly adorning the neck throughout a working day or for a special occasion.
Garnet necklaces, a precious touch to your look
Our silver necklaces studded with natural garnets can be worn on all occasions and on all outfits (classic or dressy), also bringing a femme fatale and seductive side by the red color of Garnet. Succumb to the charm of these silver and garnet necklaces.
Garnet jewelry, stone inspiring passion
Take the opportunity to offer pretty inexpensive Indian artisan jewelry to those who are dear to you, they are jewelry filled with history by the ancestral know-how of our craftsmen and by the virtues of natural stones set on our jewelry. Browse without further ado our other garnet jewelry collections, you can easily compose sets. Choose from our rings, earrings, bracelets, etc., inexpensive jewelry that just waits to be worn.